Thursday, December 15, 2011

No checked baggage.

So I spent a large portion of my day today packing up my room, and making sure I fit everything I needed to bring home.  But ever since airlines discovered that they could charge for checked bags, flying just hasn't been the same.  Now you have to deal with crowded aisles, full overhead bins, and sometimes gate checks.  I am pleased however that airlines have finally figured out a possible solution.  Reduce the carry-on to 1 bag instead of the current 2, and offer 1 free checked bag with a strict weight limit.  This way it's the same amount of weight on the plane (hopefully), just most of it is in the cargo hold.  Let's implement this now folks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

*100th post* Carrot Cake.

BAM. A celebratory chocolate cake.
I'm 'gonna make this simple.  I hate carrot cake.  I also hate dry cake.  Basically I love moist, chocolate cake the best.  If you're going to take the time to make a cake, maybe even from scratch, why ruin it by flavoring it with a root vegetable?  Why give it some strange texture as well?  It's like peanut butter to me.  It should be smooth.  If anyone decides to make a cake celebrating over 5000 views or the 100th post, make it Devil's Food chocolate or Red Velvet.  Or even better: both.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Large Scale Heating.

Apparently they just switched to natural gas boilers from coal.
So I know for efficiency purposes, large scale heating and cooling makes sense.  But obviously not everyone will be happy with the temperature.  Take for example my dorm.  This entire campus has steam heat (a novel concept for people from California like me).  But because most of the campus is run off one steam plant, it's not just an on/off procedure.  So basically, you don't want to turn on the plant for one cold night, then find out that it's gonna be 70 degrees tomorrow.  So you'd think that December in Kentucky would be cold enough to have the plant running?  Wrong.  For 3 days now, it's been unseasonably warm, and I can't turn the AC on.

Monday, December 12, 2011

People with stupid sleeping habits.

I found this picture humorous.
So as I mentioned before, this week is finals week here at WKU.  And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned how much I hate my roommate before.  Well one of the main reasons that I hate him is because of his sleep patterns, or lack thereof.  I went to bed early last night, around 9:45 (lame, I know), because I had to get up at 6:30 to be ready for my first final.  When did my a**hole of a roommate decide to come back to the room?  3:00am.  And guess what?  When I got back to the room after taking (and acing btw) two finals, he was still asleep.  Thank God I only have 4 days left.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fine Friday XV: Bluetooth Headphones.

I'm almost never happy with the status quo.  When I listen to music, I hate wires.  So what do I do when I want to use my phone to listen to music?  I use my Bluetooth headphones of course!  Now what I love about my headphones is the fact that they are wireless, meaning that I have no cords to get tangled, I can't accidentally pull my phone off a table by walking away, and I can answer calls and they automatically pause my music.  What I don't like though?  Sometimes I'll be walking along, and they will randomly turn off.  Of course, my phone is still playing music, but it switches to the speaker.  Not so good with my choice of music usually.  But they get great battery life, and they have a surprisingly long range.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

People over-dressed for the weather.

So this morning it was 28 here, and you know what?  I still wore shorts, a t-shirt, and a light sweatshirt.  I will admit that I do get cold sometimes, but only if it's windy or raining.  In fact, today has been quite delightful.  As I sat in front of my classroom waiting for the professor, some other guy walks up wearing jeans, gloves, a heavy coat, and a beanie, and asks me how I'm wearing shorts.  He was obviously over-dressed.  No one, not even the grounds staff was wearing gloves today.  It was sunny, calm, dry, and just a tad cold.  No need to go overboard here.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Download wait times.

If you've ever tried to find a file on the internet, you've probably run into sites like MegaUpload or Rapidshare. These sites are basically just file hosting sites that feel like they don't make enough money.  With the most advertisements per page that I have ever seen, these sites make me cringe just opening them, let alone downloading a file.  But not only do they make money with ads, they also charge for "premium" downloads.  They not only throttle speeds to free users, but make them wait sometimes up to 270 seconds to download what is usually a file that is only 25MB.  But sadly, these sites are usually the only option....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unscented items.

You know, in my mind, something that is unscented should have no smell to it at all.  But many times I find myself attacked by a pungent aroma of stagnant water.  Take for example my hand sanitizer.  I bought it because it was "unscented".  Sadly, the second you open the cap, my nose is overrun with with a repulsive, vomitrotious odor.  Totally unusable.  Also annoying?  Trying to think of all the different ways to say "scent" without using a thesaurus.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've never really understood the fascination around finals.  I don't see the point in having a dedicated time for an extra long test to summarize an entire semester of class.  I feel that incremental tests along the way work just fine.  But why make such a big fuss over it?  Why not just spread it over 2 normal class periods, and not mess up someone's schedule?  Example:  Normally on any weekday, my earliest class is at 9:10am.  But on finals week, I have a Monday final at 8am, and the rest of my day is empty.  Why not just have every class meet at it's normal time and split the final between however classes it takes?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fine Friday XIV: Canvas shoes.

These are the culprits.
So many of you know I have an obsession with shoes.  And if you didn't know, I am obsessed with Puma El Reys.  Now, to my advantage, Puma has tons of styles of this one shoe, encompassing many different fabrics.  They come in leather, suede, plastic(ish), furs, corduroy, and canvas.  Usually the less expensive pairs are made of canvas.  But sadly, canvas scuffs extremely easily.  I love wearing canvas shoes.  There is just something so timeless and classic.  It's a durable fabric, yet once it gets dirty, it's impossible to get it clean.  I've tried Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, the washing machine, chemical shoe cleaners, but nothing seems to ever get white canvas shoes white again.  But does that stop my addiction?  No.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When local commercials cover a show.

Short post: I hate when local commercials either start too early or end too late and cover up a meaningful part of a program.  Usually a pre-recorded show is fine because they offer buffers that usually catch up people who just started watching, but live programming can be totally ruined.  Sorry for the short post, but I'm not feeling the best. p
P.S.- I couldn't find a picture to match this post, so a little comedy: