Thursday, December 15, 2011

No checked baggage.

So I spent a large portion of my day today packing up my room, and making sure I fit everything I needed to bring home.  But ever since airlines discovered that they could charge for checked bags, flying just hasn't been the same.  Now you have to deal with crowded aisles, full overhead bins, and sometimes gate checks.  I am pleased however that airlines have finally figured out a possible solution.  Reduce the carry-on to 1 bag instead of the current 2, and offer 1 free checked bag with a strict weight limit.  This way it's the same amount of weight on the plane (hopefully), just most of it is in the cargo hold.  Let's implement this now folks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

*100th post* Carrot Cake.

BAM. A celebratory chocolate cake.
I'm 'gonna make this simple.  I hate carrot cake.  I also hate dry cake.  Basically I love moist, chocolate cake the best.  If you're going to take the time to make a cake, maybe even from scratch, why ruin it by flavoring it with a root vegetable?  Why give it some strange texture as well?  It's like peanut butter to me.  It should be smooth.  If anyone decides to make a cake celebrating over 5000 views or the 100th post, make it Devil's Food chocolate or Red Velvet.  Or even better: both.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Large Scale Heating.

Apparently they just switched to natural gas boilers from coal.
So I know for efficiency purposes, large scale heating and cooling makes sense.  But obviously not everyone will be happy with the temperature.  Take for example my dorm.  This entire campus has steam heat (a novel concept for people from California like me).  But because most of the campus is run off one steam plant, it's not just an on/off procedure.  So basically, you don't want to turn on the plant for one cold night, then find out that it's gonna be 70 degrees tomorrow.  So you'd think that December in Kentucky would be cold enough to have the plant running?  Wrong.  For 3 days now, it's been unseasonably warm, and I can't turn the AC on.

Monday, December 12, 2011

People with stupid sleeping habits.

I found this picture humorous.
So as I mentioned before, this week is finals week here at WKU.  And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned how much I hate my roommate before.  Well one of the main reasons that I hate him is because of his sleep patterns, or lack thereof.  I went to bed early last night, around 9:45 (lame, I know), because I had to get up at 6:30 to be ready for my first final.  When did my a**hole of a roommate decide to come back to the room?  3:00am.  And guess what?  When I got back to the room after taking (and acing btw) two finals, he was still asleep.  Thank God I only have 4 days left.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fine Friday XV: Bluetooth Headphones.

I'm almost never happy with the status quo.  When I listen to music, I hate wires.  So what do I do when I want to use my phone to listen to music?  I use my Bluetooth headphones of course!  Now what I love about my headphones is the fact that they are wireless, meaning that I have no cords to get tangled, I can't accidentally pull my phone off a table by walking away, and I can answer calls and they automatically pause my music.  What I don't like though?  Sometimes I'll be walking along, and they will randomly turn off.  Of course, my phone is still playing music, but it switches to the speaker.  Not so good with my choice of music usually.  But they get great battery life, and they have a surprisingly long range.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

People over-dressed for the weather.

So this morning it was 28 here, and you know what?  I still wore shorts, a t-shirt, and a light sweatshirt.  I will admit that I do get cold sometimes, but only if it's windy or raining.  In fact, today has been quite delightful.  As I sat in front of my classroom waiting for the professor, some other guy walks up wearing jeans, gloves, a heavy coat, and a beanie, and asks me how I'm wearing shorts.  He was obviously over-dressed.  No one, not even the grounds staff was wearing gloves today.  It was sunny, calm, dry, and just a tad cold.  No need to go overboard here.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Download wait times.

If you've ever tried to find a file on the internet, you've probably run into sites like MegaUpload or Rapidshare. These sites are basically just file hosting sites that feel like they don't make enough money.  With the most advertisements per page that I have ever seen, these sites make me cringe just opening them, let alone downloading a file.  But not only do they make money with ads, they also charge for "premium" downloads.  They not only throttle speeds to free users, but make them wait sometimes up to 270 seconds to download what is usually a file that is only 25MB.  But sadly, these sites are usually the only option....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unscented items.

You know, in my mind, something that is unscented should have no smell to it at all.  But many times I find myself attacked by a pungent aroma of stagnant water.  Take for example my hand sanitizer.  I bought it because it was "unscented".  Sadly, the second you open the cap, my nose is overrun with with a repulsive, vomitrotious odor.  Totally unusable.  Also annoying?  Trying to think of all the different ways to say "scent" without using a thesaurus.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've never really understood the fascination around finals.  I don't see the point in having a dedicated time for an extra long test to summarize an entire semester of class.  I feel that incremental tests along the way work just fine.  But why make such a big fuss over it?  Why not just spread it over 2 normal class periods, and not mess up someone's schedule?  Example:  Normally on any weekday, my earliest class is at 9:10am.  But on finals week, I have a Monday final at 8am, and the rest of my day is empty.  Why not just have every class meet at it's normal time and split the final between however classes it takes?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fine Friday XIV: Canvas shoes.

These are the culprits.
So many of you know I have an obsession with shoes.  And if you didn't know, I am obsessed with Puma El Reys.  Now, to my advantage, Puma has tons of styles of this one shoe, encompassing many different fabrics.  They come in leather, suede, plastic(ish), furs, corduroy, and canvas.  Usually the less expensive pairs are made of canvas.  But sadly, canvas scuffs extremely easily.  I love wearing canvas shoes.  There is just something so timeless and classic.  It's a durable fabric, yet once it gets dirty, it's impossible to get it clean.  I've tried Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, the washing machine, chemical shoe cleaners, but nothing seems to ever get white canvas shoes white again.  But does that stop my addiction?  No.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When local commercials cover a show.

Short post: I hate when local commercials either start too early or end too late and cover up a meaningful part of a program.  Usually a pre-recorded show is fine because they offer buffers that usually catch up people who just started watching, but live programming can be totally ruined.  Sorry for the short post, but I'm not feeling the best. p
P.S.- I couldn't find a picture to match this post, so a little comedy:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting sick.

Usually I have one of the strongest immune systems of anyone I know.  In fact, in my Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years of High School, I never missed a single day because of illness. (Freshman year I got Strep Throat).  What usually does get me if I do get sick, is the flu or just a fever.  I will spare the gory details, but vomiting, as most of us know, is not fun.  The other sad fact, is that I can usually tell when I'm getting sick almost 3 days before.  I guess that could be seen as a kind of blessing though.  Sadly I'm feeling like this right now...... a week before finals.....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Evil Mind Games.

Sorry I posted this one so late today guys.  Ever had someone come up to you and say "You are now consciously breathing"?  What about "I just lost the game"?  These annoy the crap out of me.  Just like yawing being contagious and other mind games created just for the enjoyment of the tormentor.
Other examples include:

  • You are now aware that your tongue cannot find a comfortable spot in your mouth.
  • Your nose is in your peripheral vision.
  • You are now incredibly itchy.
Of course, I however am guilty of being the tormentor quite often.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rebecca Black.

We all hate her. (If you don't, the exit is that way -->)  But what really annoys me about Rebecca Black is that she keeps making music.  I want to find whoever is buying her music, and force them to listen to it 24/7 until they demand a refund.  Her voice is nasally, the lyrics are dumb, and her face is downright ugly.  And even if by some miracle she came out with a good song, her career would never be able to overshadow her first 3 flops.  She needs to give up on music, and maybe do the one thing all other failed child-stars do: start their own girls-wear line at Target, Kmart, or Kohls.

For posterity: (best part is 2:28)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things that interrupt my sleep.

So this morning at around 5:30am, I was awoken by an enormous boom.  At first, I thought it might have been thunder, but it sounded too metallic.  Then it happened again.  And once more.  So I dragged myself out of bed to look out the window and what do I see?  A dumpster delivery truck dropping off a dumpster across the street- at 5:30 in the morning.  If it was thunder, I wouldn't have really been able to complain, but aren't there laws against loud construction and deliveries before 7 am?  I know in Santa Barbara there are.

Monday, November 21, 2011


So as with quite a few Americans, I watched the American Music Awards last night.  This happens to be one of my favorite awards shows for one reason: it is mainly performances.  One of the many performances was by Daughtry.  We all know that quite a few artists out there have no singing ability whatsoever, but this performance was just terrible in my opinion.  Not that they were messing up or anything, just the voices sounded so bad I muted my computer and waited until they were done to turn it back on.  What I also discovered last night, Nicki Minaj is not that good of a live singer, and should really stick to her rap and 'English' voice.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fine Friday XIII: Peanut Butter.

Now, before we get started, let me explain.  I really do love peanut butter.  But it must meet the following requirements.  First, it must be smooth.  None of this chunky crap.  It's called peanut butter, not peanut 'Rocky Road'.  When was the last time you wanted chunks in your butter?  Never, that's when.  Second, none of this organic crap.  I can't be the only one that's disgusted when you have to mix your peanut butter because the oil separated.  Third, it better be on a sandwich and include either strawberry or grape jelly. (The last one is personal preference.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fake cherry and grape flavoring.

Do you know why I dread getting a cough?  Because the only thing you can take for them is cough syrup.  The last time I had cough syrup, I vomited because of the flavor.  Fake cherry flavoring is disgusting, vile, tastes like plastic, and just downright smells bad.  The only acceptable fake cherry flavoring is in cherry cola.  But let's not forget about grape.  I used to actually love the fake grape flavoring.  But my taste buds now find it just as disgusting as cherry.  Note: Do not buy Orbit's new flavor of gum 'Wildberry Remix'.  It is artificial grape flavored.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Touch Screen Keyboard 'Clicks'.

Ever been standing in an elevator, and the annoying person's phone goes off.  They read the message, and once they start to reply, your ears are filled with *click* *click* *click*.  My hypothesis is that most people don't know how to tun that setting off.  I mean, people can't be expected to know how to use the settings menu on their phones.  Even worse: I have had people in some of my classes with iPads (eww) with the clicking enabled.  They take notes all class with the constant clicking.  Also bundled in this post: People who don't mute their computers when they turn them on in class.  Countless times you hear the Windows Start-up sound, or the retro Mac sound.  Understand your electronics please people.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My sleep schedule.

So hopefully by now you've read this blog enough to know that I am early for everything.  My classes don't start until after 9, yet I wake up at 7:30.  Problem is, usually I don't get to sleep until past 11 every night.  Well I could just make up the lost sleep on the weekends right?  Wrong.  I have discovered that I can only sleep in if I am ridiculously tired, or if I can sleep in for multiple days in a row.  Also, my room faces east, so the sun shines directly into the room in the morning, both making it uncomfortably warm and bright.  I don't nap, yet the other day I fell asleep while wearing headphones and laying face down on my bed.  Thank God Thanksgiving is approaching fast and my roommate is going home.  Another thing: I feel like I'm wasting the day if I sleep in.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fine Friday XII: My phone's mirror screen protector.

So about a year ago I bought 3 screen protectors for my phone, but these are no ordinary screen protectors.  They are mirror screen protectors!  They act like a mirror when the screen s off, but when you turn the screen on, BAM, it's clear!  Okay, now that we've discussed the awesomeness factor, we have to look at the downsides.  Whenever I am outdoors, (not a lot), even at full brightness, it is quite difficult to see anything on the screen.  Also, it shows every single smudge, speck of dust, and fingerprint.  Not to mention the obvious fact that since it's a mirror, I constantly blind myself when it looks towards the sun.  But overall, I use them just because of how cool they are, and because I got them for $2.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The elimination of Autumn.

This has been happening for years.  Commercial interests have been destroying the very idea of Thanksgiving ever since the idea of Black Friday and Cyber Monday caught on with the mainstream public.  But this year has just been absolutely outrageous.  Wal*Mart already has their Holiday commercials playing, and T-Mobile made a big boo-boo with their "4G Wonderland" (say that 3 times fast and you'll see what I mean).  But do you want to know who I blame? Justin Bieber and Michael Bublé.  They both released Christmas albums far too early this year.  I'm just as guilt by listening to Bublé's album.  It also doesn't help that I have never been in cold weather before, so now whenever it gets chilly here at WKU, I get in the Christmas mood.  But hey, if Amazon wants to have Electronics deals all the way up 'til Black Friday, I say go ahead.  I'm all for savings.  But let's not forget what comes between Halloween and Christmas.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How I can't watch 90s TV shows online.

So today I was feeling nostalgic.  For some reason, The Amanda Show popped into my head (probably since I watched 'She's the Man' the other day), and I wanted to watch some re-runs.  First I check Hulu, and it forwarded me to  "Sweet!", I thought.  But no, it was one segment of Moody's Point.  So next I went to YouTube.  I found an account that had uploaded the entire first season, with each episode split into 3 parts.  Success....right?  Nope, Viacom (the company that owns Nickelodeon, CBS, etc...) requested that YouTube remove the first part of every episode.  Not the 2nd and 3rd parts, just the 1st.  Pardon my French, but that was a bitch move.  If they're never going to air the episodes again, why not allow them to be posted online somewhere?

P.S.- If anyone knows where I can watch them online, TELL ME.
P.P.S- Has anyone heard from Amanda Bynes lately?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Getting to a countdown crosswalk with less than 5 seconds left.

I absolutely hate when I walk up to an intersection, and I see that the way I want to cross has 3 seconds left on it.  I can't tell if I want to run to make it, or wait what can sometimes be forever for it to change again.  It's like when an elevator physically has room for one more person, but it would be uncomfortable, and you would have to be facing someone the whole way up/down.  It's just annoying and awkward sometimes.

Also, in the right hand column, I have added a new logo/promo.  If you want to include it in your social networks/blogs, go ahead.  I would love some publicity.  Also, in the top left of the page, you can share this page to twitter or Facebook.  Thanks!

P.S.- I hit 3500 views today! Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Scheduling classes.

So today I finished organizing my classes for next semester.  It took me 3 hours, 2 pieces of scratch paper, 2 computers with 2 browsers, and a lot of patience.  Somehow I am ending up with less credits than this semester, but more classes.  I don't know why there isn't a system where you just choose the classes you need, and it just fits them all together.  The worst part?  One of my classes has literally 1 spot remaining, and it's the only time I can take it.  Did I mention that I have the second-to-last registration date based on last name and year-standing?  Not to mention that 1 of my classes has to be a bi-term.  Ugh.  This all makes me sick.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fine Friday XI: Open-book Quizzes.

So usually when a teacher says that a quiz or test is going to be open-book, most people feel relieved.  I however, feel that in much smaller amounts.  Most teachers try to keep their exams at least a bit challenging.  For example:  Once a week in my World Geography class, we have an open-book and open-note quiz.  Problem is, most questions are from the in-class discussions.  Almost never can you find the answers in the book or the notes you took (sadly, I take terrible notes).  But usually you'll find a couple questions where you find it's worth it to lug the overweight textbook up the hill to class.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How you guys don't comment anymore.

I know you still read it, because the pageviews go up, but sadly, no one comments anymore.  I really don't care what they say.  I enjoy reading them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

People who don't know how to use a toilet. (Update)

Click to enlarge.
Self-explanatory. End of story.  I made the poster on the left, and posted it in my floor's bathroom.  I think it was a good use of my time.

The right is the updated poster.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When TV shows get covered by something else.

You know what sucks?  I set my DVR to record Fringe last Friday right?  Well, apparently, Fox seems to think that the World Series is more important than my entertainment.  Not to sound rude, but they were wrong. What's even worse is when the local affiliate thinks that some message of theirs is more important than the scheduled show.  The local NBC station here has been putting a non-transparent ticker across the bottom of the screen about their upcoming deal with Dish Network for over a week now.  It stays on the screen for almost 3 minutes, and never during commercials.  Another example: a few years back, ABC had the finale for the show 'American Inventor' scheduled for a Wednesday night.  KEYT (the local ABC affiliate) decided that Fiesta dancing was more important, even though anyone that lives in SB could just go downtown to watch it for free.  This was back before they put their shows online, so to this day, I haven't seen the finale to that show.

Monday, October 31, 2011

People who don't understand recycling.

You know what's crazy?  There's a ridiculously large amount of recycling bins in this world.  Now, most people would agree that this is a good thing.  But why does so much recyclable material still end up in landfills?  Because people don't really understand what is recyclable.  The other problem, people put so much trash in recycling bins.  They don't understand that food is not recyclable, and the same goes for most styrofoam.  I also don't understand why manufacturers don't make more things out of aluminum.  Although heavier and more expensive, aluminum will always be recyclable.  It doesn't rust (in the traditional fashion), it looks amazing, and is quite strong.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Auto-Resolution choosing video players.

So we've finally entered an era where most networks post their shows online to watch.  Great right?  I mean, you still have to watch ads, but we'll never get away from that.  So in this era, most people I know have broadband, and if they don't, they don't watch TV shows online.  So why then do the networks feel like they need to have auto-resolution choosing video players?  I feel they do a terrible job of choosing the right resolution.  Example:  I was catching up on this season's NCIS LA on  Their video player has the ability to show HD, but only when it chooses to.  Whenever I go to full screen, it goes to a higher resolution, but it would never go to HD.  A little background info: my school has 95 m/bits per second+ speeds.  And it's definitely not that my computer can't handle it.  And you know what, even if I do have to pause and let it buffer every once and a while, I'd still rather do that and be able to watch it in HD.  On a side note, ABC is the best with making all their shows available online, but their video player lacks volume control...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fine Friday X: Rain.

Precipitation is a gray area for me.  It can either be something delightful, or it can ruin my day.  Example: my sister and I share a car back home. Said car is extremely temperamental. If it's raining out, the battery shorts out and loses its charge. But then again, I adore the smell of fresh rain on asphalt.  You already know my feelings on more extreme forms of precipitation, but sometimes I just like to look out my window and watch it fall.  Another example: today's forecast for campus? Rain with ice pellets. Not fun, especially when you have long uncovered walks to classes.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things that all pile up on the same day.

You know what's funny?  I complain about being bored a lot.  I think I have finally discovered why I am bored so often.  First: when I do have things to do, I get them done extremely quickly.  I am extremely efficient when I put my mind to it.  Second: (and this one's the new discovery) Everything I do end up having to do piles up on one day.  Math Quiz?  Teacher makes it on Tuesday.  Broadcast test?  Hey, that class meets on Tuesday!  Laundry need to get done?  You run out of clean shirts on Tuesday!  Need to go to Wal*Mart (ha Jeremy), why not Tuesday?  NCIS and NCIS LA and Glee?  All on Tuesday.  I just wish things would space themselves out according to my boredom.  I almost wish I had a Saturday or evening class.  Almost.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ABC Family and straight-to-DVD movies.

You know what bugs me?  Wait, you do.  Ok, lame intro aside, I get terribly annoyed by ABC Family movies, and their predictable nature.  You can assume they took a good movie, example: Mean Girls, throw in similar characters (sometimes a near relative), and modify the plot a teeeeeensy little bit, and BAM! New made for TV movie!.  Even worse are the straight to DVD movies.  Although I have never seen a single one, I crown the worst offenders as Air Bud and the like.  They can't really make that much money on them, barely even breaking even seems impossible to me, but they keep making them!  They serve no purpose besides in-car entertainment for 5 years old on road trips.   They also suck with naming them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pointless sponsorships.

Wha? Huh?
Ever been watching some live sporting event or race and notice one of the sponsors?  Ever wonder why they are the "Official (enter product here) of the (event)"? I understand that they are advertising, and that it doesn't matter what event it is, but do they really feel like they need the endorsement of some self-proclaimed "offical group"?  Example: Goodyear is "The official tire of NASCAR."  That makes sense.  Tires and cars go together.  What doesn't make sense?  "Bridgestone is the official tire of the NHL."  Other than Zambonis, what in the NHL uses tires?  And tell me, what sport needs an "official" beer?  What I do like, how the Olympics control their sponsors, calling them "Proud Partners".  So much more class.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What's this?

*Alert* We are not going to be able to bring you today's normally scheduled complaint.  Instead, please enjoy the following post about something awesome and amazing.

You know what today is?  It's a big day.  No, I'm not talking about the Steve Jobs biography, who cares about that?  Today's the day Coldplay released Mylo Xyloto!  I have been listening to songs from this album non-stop now, and well, it's amazing.  I happen to call Coldplay one of my favorite (if not my favorite) bands/musicians of all time.  And the name is just fun to say.  

Sorry if you were expecting something annoying today, but I figured if I posted something nice once no one would get hurt.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fine Friday IX: This Blog.

I am in a love/hate relationship with this blog.  I hate writing it, but I love seeing people's comments.  I hate coming up with topics, but I love when I find just the right one.  I really do have trouble finding the right things to post, and I feel like if I start taking suggestions that they wouldn't really reflect me.  But whatever.

P.S. You guys never comment on the stories I tell you to comment on, and it makes me sad.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Classic Games on Windows 7.

So lately, I have been breaking out the classic computer games from my childhood.  Just this morning, I tried to play Gizmos and Gadgets (in my opinion one of the greatest games ever created).  First I tried it on my desktop.  Sadly, I couldn't even run the installer because I run 64-bit.  Next I set up a virtual computer running 32-bit, but for some reason, it hated the video drivers, even when I set all the compatibility settings right.  I ended up having to use my netbook, run in 256 colors at 640 x 480, but let me tell you: It's worth it.  I also got the original Rollercoaster Tycoon running, but I have to exit Windows Explorer, run it at low resolution, and even then it randomly crashes sometimes.  Why can I run other 32-bit applications on my 64-bit computer, but old ones refuse to run?  Why even when I run things in 256 colors does Windows Explorer cause everything to be the wrong colors?  I believe some of these problems were fixed in the Developer Preview of Windows 8.... wow, look at me geek out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Write Your-Own Wednesday: Second Attempt.

Inspiring huh?  Kinda emo too...
It's cold and rainy here, and I have some homework to do right now, but I want you guys to write your own story about something that annoys you.  Follow what I do, explain, example, reasoning (sometimes).  Hopefully we'll get some interesting stories, and maybe I'll get some inspiration.  I'd prefer if you at least put a first name or nickname of some sort to make responding easier.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spray tans.

Luckily this doesn't happen much in California, but here in the South/Midwest, there are Oompa Loompas aplenty.  People look at Snooki on TV and think "Wow, I have never seen someone that orange."  I didn't expect to either.  But lo and behold, there are tons of people with the radiant orange glow.  Some of the apartment complexes around campus advertise as one of their top features: tanning salons.  I have seen people's key rings with frequent tanners club cards.  Do people here really not know how to get a real tan?  Suffer for it.  Go out in the cold.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Things that are announced too far ahead of time.

So you're a company, and you have an exciting new product.  Or maybe a band with a new album.  You need to learn something: patience.  This is probably the one thing I agree with Apple on.  Don't announce a product until it is ready to be put on store shelves.  No matter the amount of marketing hype you would like to generate, you need to hold back.  Example:  Motorola announced the Droid Bionic back at CES in January.  But the phone didn't launch until less than a month ago.  They had delays with the hardware, and that pushed the launch back by almost half a year.  Another example: Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto.  Only 1 week left until it's released, but we've known about it since at least June.  You understand what I'm saying here?

I had no idea what to do for a picture here..... so enjoy this funny picture.  Click on it to make it bigger if you need to.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Song remixes that ruin the original.

I can appreciate a good remix.  But what annoys is when someone takes the song, adds 20 minutes of "wub", one line of the original, and calls it a remix.  I can't stand more than about 30 seconds of "wub" total for an entire song before I get annoyed.  Or when some rapper takes the beat from a track and gives no credit anywhere of where they got it.  I can't even think of an example.... my brain is dead right now.  Sorry for the short post.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How I'm early for everything.

My netbook.  Be jealous of the slime.
So I wake up at around 7:30am on most weekdays.  Why does this bug me?  Well my first class isn't until 9:10 (9:35 on Tuesdays and Thursdays).  I guess I just underestimate how efficient I am in the morning.  By 8:00 I have gotten up, changed my clothes, brushed my teeth, packed my backpack, checked Facebook, Twitter, and Google News, looked at the weather for the day, checked my Email, and eaten a Pop-Tart.  I leave my room and start walking to class and it's always a ghost town.  Then I sit in the hallway outside my classroom for almost an hour.  "Well Thomas, why don't you wake up later?".  I've tried.  My alarm clock is set to 8 am every day.  I wake up before it.  At least I have my netbook to keep me entertained for an hour+.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fine Friday VIII: Electronic Music.

Ever heard a really good song? Like one that is stuck in your head for a long time and has a great beat?  Yeah, me too. I don't follow traditional party lines with music.  Usually I will only like one or two songs from an artist (there are exceptions), and I use an evolving playlist.  I will listen to 2 or 3 songs on repeat until something new catches my ear.  Now to the meat of this post.   Ever heard an electronic song you liked? It seems as though I have never been able to find a good electronic song that I like that isn't 20 minutes long, or includes way too many repetitive sections.  I mean, I can like a good dubstep or trance song, but does it really need to be that long?  I think you can get your point across in around 4-5 minutes like any other artist.  Even worse?  When you find that same song that you like has a shortened version.  Success? No, its about 2 minutes long... but it's still a good song.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Poorly designed buildings.

Ever been travelling, and waiting in an airport?  Most of you have I'm guessing.  This being the 21st century, we all have some sort of mobile device or laptop that we use to entertain ourselves.  But said device runs on a battery that has (quite) a limited life.  So you need to find an outlet to charge it.  But, chances are that the airport you're sitting in was built before 2005.  Sadly, electrical outlets are scarce and widely spaced.  Either that or you have to go sit in a little "charging booth".  This post also covers buildings which are built in 2009 and don't have ethernet wiring in the walls (talking about you DP PAC).  Another example: my math class is in a brand new building, and the classroom is really nice.  It has 2 projector screens!  Right next to each other.  Want to lower just one because there's only one projector?  Too bad.  The switch lowers both.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

People who add you to pointless Facebook groups and events.

Ever since Facebook remodeled how groups work, there has been the problem of adding people to groups.  With the changes, anyone could add you to any group regardless of your permission.  Considering how people already could not understand the difference between a page and a group, this led to countless groups about stupid topics such as someone's 'photography'.  Another thing that bugs me: Facebook events.  Creating an event for losing your phone and needing numbers is not ok.  My response to this used to be "", but for some stupid reason, they deleted the phone book feature.  Worst mistake of all time, considering how now you actually need to ask every single person if you want their number.  But an event is not the way to do it.  Also, apparently 'Maybe' is the new polite 'No'.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When they clean my dorm's bathrooms.

Another one about my dorm?  Geez Thomas, why don' you just switch dorms?  (I'll save that for a later post)  So it seems like everyday around 1 or 2 o'clock pm, I'm usually in my dorm and I have to go to the bathroom.  But you know what sucks?  They clean every bathroom in the building daily (thank God), starting with the girls floors.  Then they work down from the top to bottom.  When they get to the bottom, they start the guys floors working up.  So as far as I can tell, my floor is the last one to get cleaned.  What time do they end up getting to my floor?  Around 1 or 2 o'clock pm.  Know what else sucks?  If I have to go to the bathroom while they're cleaning them, that's a no.  The people who clean the bathrooms are only women.  So I have to go down either 3 stories to the next guy floor, use the lobby guest bathroom, or venture to the University Center.  Yesterday, it took them 2 hours to clean the bathroom because someone thought it would be funny to throw talcum powder everywhere.  They had to bring in a floor scrubber or something that was ridiculously loud.  I hate this dorm.

Monday, October 10, 2011

People in dorms who can't cook.

Last night, at around 9:30pm, the fire alarm with the creepy voice in my dorm went off.   Now at first we all just thought it was another drill, because when the first drill happened, the top 7 floor's alarms didn't work.  But as we started walking down the 26 flights of stairs, we started to smell smoke.  Around the 21st floor, the smell started to go away.  So we all get to the bottom, and walk the 100 feet away from the building and wait as the 5 firetrucks pull up and the firefighters go in... blah blah blah.  So 30 minutes later, the finally start to let us 850+ residents back in (remember, 4 elevators for 26 floors).  Later, on the class Facebook group, someone reveals that some guy on the 21st floor left his food on the stove, it burned to a crisp, and filled the 21st floor with smoke, thus setting off the alarm.  So the moral of the story is:  If you go to college, get a meal plan so you don't have to cook burn your own food.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The length of good movies.

Seen any big movies lately?  I'm talking about the huge blockbusters like Harry Potter, Inception, the like.  Nowadays, most of these movies are over 2 hours in length.  People complain that movie ticket prices are going up, but you really are getting more for your money.  But it is terribly uncomfortable to sit in a dark theater for that long without moving.  I say we go back to the days of movies with intermissions.  You're also lucky if your popcorn and soda last past the previews, so what are the chances of them lasting the whole movie?  None. What about going to the bathroom?  I don't want to miss the good part, so I have to carefully choose when I think I will miss the least.  Intermissions FTW.