Monday, October 10, 2011

People in dorms who can't cook.

Last night, at around 9:30pm, the fire alarm with the creepy voice in my dorm went off.   Now at first we all just thought it was another drill, because when the first drill happened, the top 7 floor's alarms didn't work.  But as we started walking down the 26 flights of stairs, we started to smell smoke.  Around the 21st floor, the smell started to go away.  So we all get to the bottom, and walk the 100 feet away from the building and wait as the 5 firetrucks pull up and the firefighters go in... blah blah blah.  So 30 minutes later, the finally start to let us 850+ residents back in (remember, 4 elevators for 26 floors).  Later, on the class Facebook group, someone reveals that some guy on the 21st floor left his food on the stove, it burned to a crisp, and filled the 21st floor with smoke, thus setting off the alarm.  So the moral of the story is:  If you go to college, get a meal plan so you don't have to cook burn your own food.

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