Sunday, October 16, 2011

Song remixes that ruin the original.

I can appreciate a good remix.  But what annoys is when someone takes the song, adds 20 minutes of "wub", one line of the original, and calls it a remix.  I can't stand more than about 30 seconds of "wub" total for an entire song before I get annoyed.  Or when some rapper takes the beat from a track and gives no credit anywhere of where they got it.  I can't even think of an example.... my brain is dead right now.  Sorry for the short post.


  1. ON THE OTHER HAND, songs like "Baby" by my bestie J Biebs is ONLY tolerable in dubstep form. This was the only compromise between Julia, the one w bieberfever, and I, who is allergic.

  2. Or the death metal remix of 'Friday".
