Monday, October 24, 2011

What's this?

*Alert* We are not going to be able to bring you today's normally scheduled complaint.  Instead, please enjoy the following post about something awesome and amazing.

You know what today is?  It's a big day.  No, I'm not talking about the Steve Jobs biography, who cares about that?  Today's the day Coldplay released Mylo Xyloto!  I have been listening to songs from this album non-stop now, and well, it's amazing.  I happen to call Coldplay one of my favorite (if not my favorite) bands/musicians of all time.  And the name is just fun to say.  

Sorry if you were expecting something annoying today, but I figured if I posted something nice once no one would get hurt.


  1. Lol I can't stand ColdPlay, have fun

  2. You make me sick. You can't even capitalize it correctly

  3. Swype my friend, did that. And I wouldn't even capitalize it otherwise...only things I respect get capitalized.
    If there's any music that makes me sick it's actually pretty much all your favorite bands (and I know you can say the same for me :P, but I listen to a broad range rather than just in the small genre of metal) I have found myself liking more non-metal bands lately (older, yet still non-metal) like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and Chickenfoot.
