Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Write Your-Own Wednesday: Second Attempt.

Inspiring huh?  Kinda emo too...
It's cold and rainy here, and I have some homework to do right now, but I want you guys to write your own story about something that annoys you.  Follow what I do, explain, example, reasoning (sometimes).  Hopefully we'll get some interesting stories, and maybe I'll get some inspiration.  I'd prefer if you at least put a first name or nickname of some sort to make responding easier.


  1. From Licensed:
    People who pass on the right. Especially when you are on a two lane road (one in each direction) and you making a left turn. You have to wait for opposing traffic, but the idiots behind you can't wait. They have to pass (typically in the bike lane) at 50 mph on the right side - scaring the crap out of you. Not only is it illegal, but it causes major safety problems for bike, pedestrians and other cars not expecting it.

  2. The TV-Lady says,
    TV commercials that are louder than the show. When the show stops, the commercial blares out, waking the dead (or your roommate). Thank God for the mute button.
