Monday, October 3, 2011

My terrible memory.

Something that bugs me so much that it almost causes me to pull my hair out is my memory.  I seem to forget things in an amazingly short time.  Sometimes I will come up with a great idea to blog about, but forget by the time I get the Word document full of ideas open.  I also fall under the category of entering a room but forgetting why I am there.  Example:  The other day I scheduled one of those terrible online math tests I told you about, and put it in my phone calendar so I wouldn't forget about it.  I was gonna go straight from my Government class up to the testing center.  As I was putting my laptop back in my backpack, I remembered about my appointment, put on my headphones, and left the classroom.  By the time I reached the staircase, I forgot about the test and starting walking back to my dorm (the complete wrong direction).  I will open a new tab in my browser and not remember what I was going to type in.  Probably the worst: I will close a Facebook tab, only to open a Facebook tab immediately afterward without realizing it.

1 comment:

  1. I used to do that all the time, close a Facebook tab and open another. It's a strange phenomenon...this forgetful thing. I have the same problem constantly.
