Monday, October 31, 2011

People who don't understand recycling.

You know what's crazy?  There's a ridiculously large amount of recycling bins in this world.  Now, most people would agree that this is a good thing.  But why does so much recyclable material still end up in landfills?  Because people don't really understand what is recyclable.  The other problem, people put so much trash in recycling bins.  They don't understand that food is not recyclable, and the same goes for most styrofoam.  I also don't understand why manufacturers don't make more things out of aluminum.  Although heavier and more expensive, aluminum will always be recyclable.  It doesn't rust (in the traditional fashion), it looks amazing, and is quite strong.

1 comment:

  1. What's so hard to understand? People are lazy or stupid. They really don't care, when it's their time. But use the right buzzwords, and everyone gives lip service to the idea of conservation and environmentalism.
