Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When TV shows get covered by something else.

You know what sucks?  I set my DVR to record Fringe last Friday right?  Well, apparently, Fox seems to think that the World Series is more important than my entertainment.  Not to sound rude, but they were wrong. What's even worse is when the local affiliate thinks that some message of theirs is more important than the scheduled show.  The local NBC station here has been putting a non-transparent ticker across the bottom of the screen about their upcoming deal with Dish Network for over a week now.  It stays on the screen for almost 3 minutes, and never during commercials.  Another example: a few years back, ABC had the finale for the show 'American Inventor' scheduled for a Wednesday night.  KEYT (the local ABC affiliate) decided that Fiesta dancing was more important, even though anyone that lives in SB could just go downtown to watch it for free.  This was back before they put their shows online, so to this day, I haven't seen the finale to that show.

1 comment:

  1. how does that make you feel tom? has it created a deeper psychological issue??
