Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fake cherry and grape flavoring.

Do you know why I dread getting a cough?  Because the only thing you can take for them is cough syrup.  The last time I had cough syrup, I vomited because of the flavor.  Fake cherry flavoring is disgusting, vile, tastes like plastic, and just downright smells bad.  The only acceptable fake cherry flavoring is in cherry cola.  But let's not forget about grape.  I used to actually love the fake grape flavoring.  But my taste buds now find it just as disgusting as cherry.  Note: Do not buy Orbit's new flavor of gum 'Wildberry Remix'.  It is artificial grape flavored.


  1. You can always take the pills Thomas. I usually get liquid gels (albeit they are gigantic, but have no taste).

  2. They don't make cough syrup pills. They would be pointless. I have no trouble swallowing pills.
