Saturday, October 8, 2011


You know what smells like stale maple syrup, is illegal in most places, and annoys me?  Weed.  I'm not going to say I am some expert on drugs or smoking, but I do know one thing.  Breathing in anything but clean air is detrimental to your lungs, brain, and entire body.  So why do it?  It costs you a lot of money, makes you smell like a homeless person, and kills you.  Where's the draw?  Getting high?  C'mon people.  And if you claim that it's not addicting, then stop smoking it.  Don't wanna?  Fine, then die young somewhere else.  My 10th grade English teacher was quite the eccentric one, and I swear that every time I entered that class room it smelled of old burritos and stale maple syrup.  Blech.

1 comment:

  1. Lol at least they're not smoking cigarettes, I'm fine with marijuana because I think they're just idiots, but cigarettes are terrible. Cigarettes will kill you probably 10X faster than marijuana. Know the best solution? Don't do anything at all, make soda the worst thing you do
