Friday, December 9, 2011

Fine Friday XV: Bluetooth Headphones.

I'm almost never happy with the status quo.  When I listen to music, I hate wires.  So what do I do when I want to use my phone to listen to music?  I use my Bluetooth headphones of course!  Now what I love about my headphones is the fact that they are wireless, meaning that I have no cords to get tangled, I can't accidentally pull my phone off a table by walking away, and I can answer calls and they automatically pause my music.  What I don't like though?  Sometimes I'll be walking along, and they will randomly turn off.  Of course, my phone is still playing music, but it switches to the speaker.  Not so good with my choice of music usually.  But they get great battery life, and they have a surprisingly long range.

1 comment:

  1. Making me want to buy some bluetooth headphones less now thomas
