Saturday, September 3, 2011

Minerally Water.

A lot of Europeans are going to think I'm crazy with this one.  I absolutely abhor when my water tastes of minerals.  Whether it is intentional or not, minerals make water disgusting.  For example, the water in my dorm is so full of minerals you can see them if you look close enough.  The last thing I want is to see things floating in my drinking water, let alone taste them.  Now you're thinking, "Wow, Thomas is such a little spoiled b***h".  And you're kinda right, but I have standards.  Now I need to go buy a Brita pitcher for this room.


  1. target has one that comes with 2 extra filters. in exclusive target red. mom got me one.

  2. looks like i need to go to target sometime then. maybe today.
