Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mixed Nuts and Trail Mix.

Random fact: Raw Almonds contain cyanide.  They have to be heated/cooked before they are legal to sell in the US.  On that note, I hate packages of mixed nuts.  The only good parts are the peanuts and cashews.  I am most definitely not a fan of almonds, whether or not they are poisonous.  I've never really enjoyed walnuts, and I really don't like pecans.  In trail mix, we all know what's up.  You eat the M&Ms first, then you mingle through and sort the rest to find the good parts.  Though usually bags of either of these are given to me for free, so I dig for the ones I like and discreetly throw away the rest.

1 comment:

  1. You should try the Trader Joe's trail mix. They have yummy ones where all the little things are delicious.
