Monday, September 19, 2011

Streaming advertisements.

So I have Spotify, right?  If you don't know what that is, it's unlimited streaming music, but you choose exact songs. Well of course, nothing in life is free, so there are ads.  Normally not a problem.  I think it's fair to have to listen to a 10 second ad every once and a while.  But what I don't like: when you have to wait for the ad to load.  Lumped into this same category is interactive ads.  I was watching Hulu, and the advertiser for the show I was watching was Tide.  Normally during an ad, I open up Facebook until it's done.  I sat there for 2 minutes of no sound before switching back only to realize that I needed to choose which Tide ad I wanted to watch. Yoga Pants or White Shoes?  Let's get serious here.  No one cares that much about ads that they would choose one over the other.  Furthermore, I hate Flash Ads with sound that start playing automatically.  They scare the crap out of me half the time.

1 comment:

  1. spotify sounds like some gnarly Harry Potter spell... maybe to turn a lion into a leopard or something
