Thursday, September 15, 2011

People who stand in the middle of hallways.

This is a random crowd.
People who go/went to DP know what I'm talking about here.  Whenever it rains in Goleta, everybody feels like if water touches them, they will melt.  So getting from class to class is near impossible because everyone is hunkering under the overhangs.  On a normal day, people stand around and talk to each other.  Not a problem.  But when it rains, they feel like they must stand in the middle of a walkway, stop, and chat- blocking all traffic both ways.  What could be worse?  They usually gather in places where lots of people walk by, like where 4 directions meet.  Am I over analyzing this situation?  Probably.


  1. No. Spot on. And the same at the bottom of stairwells. And at elevator door exits. And the exit doors of businesses. And the end of the airport security line.
    Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

  2. I have no idea who you are, but you definitely know what I'm talking about.

  3. You haven't been back to DP since the new freshman started...they're even worse than you can possibly imagine. I can never move anywhere, even on a normal day.

  4. What could be worse you ask?? How about those idiots who stop on the way IN to the store to chat with a friend while you're standing in the drizzle getting wet. "Hi Jane what've you been up to since I saw you last 15 minutes ago? Isn't this weather horrible? My poor little poochie is soaked!" And you're trying to get past to get your soggy butt out of the rain. Geez. People. "Humanity's okay it's people I can't stand".
